Frequently Asked Questions

Do you take insurance?

Kara does not take insurance and all sessions are out of network/self pay. We are happy to provide you a receipt that you can submit to your insurance provider to seek reimbursement; just ask!

Erik is paneled with BCBS and also takes out of network/self pay. Contact your insurance provider to learn about your deductible, co-pay, and benefits.

What are your fees?

Cash pay/self pay rates:

Kara (virtual & in-person):

Individual session: $135

Couples/family session: $165

Erik (virtual only):

Individual session: $135

Couples/family session: $165

We believe that therapy is a worthwhile emotional and financial investment. When we begin our therapy journey together, we will discuss frequency of services based on what works best clinically and financially for you!

Insurance rates are billed at the contracted rate which may differ from cash pay/self pay rate.

How long are therapy sessions?

The intake session is 60 minutes in length.

Individual, couples, and family sessions are 50 minutes in length.

If you’d like a longer session, please ask and we can discuss pro-rated cost and availability.

What is your availability?

Kara is available for virtual sessions from 1-7 on Monday and Wednesday as well as in-person sessions from 12-7 on Tuesday and Thursday.

Erik is available 12-7 Monday - Thursday and 11 -3 on Fridays, virtual only.

What does it mean when you say “trauma” and “trauma-informed”?

If something bad or scary has happened to you in childhood, adolescence, or adulthood, you may suffer from trauma symptoms related to this. Trauma symptoms can include any of the following: fear, anxiety, depression, hyper vigilance (the sensation of “always looking over your shoulder”), negative thinking, unhealthy relationship patterns, etc. If you’re not sure if this applies to you, shoot us an email and we can chat!

“Trauma-informed” means that when we work with you, we will explore how your experiences may have influenced what challenges you are facing now. We won’t identify you by your symptoms or diagnosis.

Do you work with kids/teens?

Yes! We love working with kids and teens. We usually recommend a combination of individual and family therapy, so please expect to attend parent or co-parent sessions along with your child’s own sessions.

Please note that if parents are divorced, unmarried, or have a parenting plan/legal decision making decree in place, we will require this before we start our work together. If the child’s other parent has legal rights to the child, we will inform that parent of the child’s enrollment in treatment and will invite that parent to participate in treatment as well. Research indicates that children of separation/divorce do best when their parents are able to respectfully co-parent. If that’s difficult for you - no worries! We can help you navigate this in a supportive setting.

Do I have to be traumatized to benefit from therapy with you?

Not at all! Many folks come to therapy during transition, periods of stress, or simply to build confidence. It is a misconception that therapy is only for people who are “really suffering”. Therapy can absolutely help with self esteem, career change, decision-making, and other self-improvement efforts!

Do you have in-person sessions available?

Kara holds in-office sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12-7 as well as virtual options Monday and Wednesday 1-7.

Erik holds virtual sessions only at this time.

Can you be my Clinical Supervisor?

We are happy to chat about clinical supervision! Kara is credentialed to provide this. Please check out the clinical supervision page for more detailed information.

Can you provide therapy to me if I live in a different state?

Kara and Erik are only licensed in the state of Arizona and may only provide therapy services to those residing in Arizona.

Do you offer a "Good Faith Estimate?"

Yes, all healthcare providers are required to offer a good faith estimate of services upon request.  Due to the nature of therapy services it is difficult to estimate the number of sessions that may be necessary in the course of your specific treatment needs.  Prior to engaging in therapy, you will be provided with the initial consent forms that cover cost of sessions and what to expect with services.  During the intake session and treatment planning, we will discuss anticipated timelines of treatment and frequency of sessions recommended. This will always be a collaborative conversation between yourself and your therapist and may change throughout treatment.